Events 2025
Jaanuar | ||
11.01 | Excursion | January blooms |
18.01 | Excursion | January blooms |
18.01 | Children’s Saturday | Exciting tropics |
18.01 | Workshop | Woody plant identification course |
25.01 | Excursion | January blooms |
Veebruar | ||
01.02 | Excursion | February blooms |
02.02 | Excursion | Curatorial tour of the subtropical plants |
08.02 | Theme day | Vitamin Day |
08.02 | Workshop | Woody plant identification course |
15.02 | Excursion | February blooms |
15.02 | Children’s Saturday | Camping wisdom |
15.02 | Workshop | Woody plant identification course |
16.02 | Workshop | Woody plant identification course |
22.02 | Excursion | February blooms |
25.-28.02 | Plant Days on school holidays | |
28.02 | Exhibition | Orchid Days |
Märts | ||
01.–09.03 | Exhibition | Orchid Days |
15.03 | Excursion | March blooms |
15.-16.03 | Course | Botanical illustrations |
15.03 | Children’s Saturday | Under the palm tree |
20.03 | Excursion | Curatorial tour of the orchids and tropical plants |
22.03 | Excursion | March blooms |
29.03 | Excursion | March blooms |
Aprill | ||
05.04 | Excursion | April blooms |
12.-20.04 | Exhibition | House Plants |
15.-17.04 | Plant Days on school holidays | |
19.04 | Children’s Saturday | Green friends on the window sill |
26.04 | Excursion | April blooms |
Mai | ||
01.05 | Theme day | Opening of the summer season |
03.05 | Children’s Saturday | Spring flower morning |
07.05 | Workshop | Grafting watermelons, cantaloupes and cucumbers |
10.05 | Theme day | Spring Flowers’ Day |
11.05 | Excursion | Curatorial tour of the Rock Garden |
17.05 | Excursion | Curatorial tour of bulb flower exhibit |
18.05 | Excursion | Curatorial tour of the arboretum |
Juuni | ||
01.06 | Theme day | Children’s Day |
07.06 | Theme day | Herb day |
14.-15.06 | Theme day | Enchanting scents |
21.06 | Excursion | June blooms |
22.-27.06 | Exhibition | Peony Days |
Juuli | ||
09.07 | Workshop | Plant conservation walk |
12.07 | Theme day | Medicinal Plants’ Day |
13.07 | Excursion | Curatorial tour: Native plants in landscaping |
19.-20.07 | Exhibition | Rose days |
26.07 | Excursion | July blooms |
31.07 | Excursion | Curatorial tour of reed plants |
August | ||
02.08 | Excursion | August blooms |
07.08 | Excursion | Curatorial Tour in the Garden of Senses |
09.08 | Excursion | Curatorial tour of phlox plants |
15.-17.08 | Exhibition | Clematis flowers and grapes |
23.08 | Excursion | August blooms |
25.-29.08 | Palm House is closed | |
September | ||
06.-14.09 | Exhibition | Chilis and tomatoes |
13.-14.09 | Workshop | ABCs of plant protection and plant cuttings |
15.-19.09 | Palm House is closed | |
20.09 | Children’s Saturday | Happy autumn in the garden |
23.09 | Excursion | Curatorial tour of desert plants |
Oktoober | ||
07.-11.10 | Palm House is closed | |
11.10 | Excursion | Golden autumn in the arboretum |
18.10 | Excursion | Golden autumn in the arboretum |
18.10 | Children’s Saturday | A rainbow on your plate |
18.-26.10 | Exhibition | Flavours around the world |
21.-24.10 | Plant Days on school holidays | |
25.10 | Excursion | October blooms |
November | ||
01.11 | Excursion | November blooms |
02.11 | Theme day | All Souls’ Day in nature |
05.11 | Excursion | Jungle tour in the Tallinn Botanic Garden |
15.11 | Children’s Saturday | Why does gingerbread smell so good? |
19.11 | Excursion | Jungle tour in the Tallinn Botanic Garden |
29.11 | Excursion | November blooms |
30.11 | Theme day | Tallinn Botanic Garden’s Birthday |
Detsember | ||
06.12 | Excursion | Christmas plants’ tour |
13.12 | Excursion | Christmas plants’ tour |
20.12 | Excursion | Christmas plants’ tour |
20.12 | Children’s Saturday | Christmas crafts |