Visitor center 10-16, outdoor gardens 09-20, greenhouses 11-16, on Wednesdays visitor center 10-19 and greenhouses 11-19, territory closes every day at at 21


The main goal of the research in the Tallinn Botanic Garden is to study the diversity of the plant kingdom, the distribution of plant species, as well as biology and ecology.

Field of Research:

Reproductive biology and restoration ecology of endangered plant species

The scope of the research covers species biology, ecology, reproductive biology and restoration ecology of endangered plant species in Estonia and beyond, both in and outside their natural habitats. The study aims to develop methods for propagation of endangered species, improvement of the conditions of their natural populations and artificial establishment of populations in areas where appropriate habitat conditions are available. Within the scope of conservation oriented research, establishment of plant population and community based ex-situ conservation collections of endangered species of Estonia at Tallinn Botanic Garden has been started.

Urban biodiversity

The research is focused on different aspects of urban biodiversity. The aim is to conduct biodiversity studies and provide new approaches to maintain and increase biodiversity within Estonian capital Tallinn. Research on possibilities of artificial establishments of populations of protected species and communities within urban landscape enables to develop and test appropriate methodologies and thereby gather specific knowledge. Planned activities meet the objectives foreseen in the strategy “Tallinn 2030”: “protecting biodiversity, increasing the species diversity and environmental stability of the urban landscape and increasing the resistance of ecosystems to the impacts of human activity.”

Further information:

Mari Sild (Research Coordinator);; +372 530 800 60


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