Garbage – let’s change the attitude
On March 26, the themed day “Garbage – let’s change the attitude, garbage vs. raw materials” will introduce the possibilities of reducing waste generation and extending the useful life of things, as well as the necessity of collecting waste by type. You can also find out where to take the various wastes you create.
Tallinna Jäätmekeskus presents the transformation of waste stations into circular economy centers, the changes that will take place from June 2023, the new biodegradable waste system and the product of the waste centers – high-quality compost. They talk about soil appreciation in the circular economy key, composting for small gardeners, innovative measures and opportunities. On the theme day, you will find out what is done with the pledge packages taken to the tare point and how the pledge cup system works. The principles of recycling or upcycling in the clothing industry are introduced, which reduce the impact of the fashion industry on the environment.
Anna Hints’ documentary “Paradise Comes Tomorrow” shows how young mothers have decided to get food for their families from shopping center bins in order to save the environment and the future of their children.
Registration for the event is available here:
Visitors can attend with a botanical garden day ticket.
The moderator of the theme day is Juhan Hindov from the Tallinn Waste Center
11.00-11.10 Opening remarks. Urve Sinijärv, director of Tallinn Botanical Garden
11.10-11.40 Sorting waste by type – whose responsibility is it? Gaili Eding, Marketing and Communications Manager of the Producer Response Organization
Who, where, how and why must sort waste? What is the current situation of waste sorting in Estonia and what goals do we need to reach in the coming years?
VIDEO “Hiiumaa Circular Economy Zone”. Estonian Association of Circular Economy Enterprises (ERMEL)
11.40-12.00 What will be done with the waste collected by type. Alder Harkmann, member of the board of OÜ Eesti Pakendirkuls
Where do packaging without a deposit label go, what is done with them and from them, what happens to the materials.
12.00-12.50 What is done with the packages brought to the tare point? Suzanne Meliste, OÜ Eesti Pandipakend packaging company service manager
How to prevent littering at public events? Kertu Tutk, OÜ Eesti Pandipakendi project manager of the pledge cup
The Panditops service is intended for event organizers and caterers to replace disposable cups and dishes with reusable solutions.
12.50-13.00 Questions and answers
LUNCH 13.00-13.45 The cafe is open
13.45-14.10 What can I do to reduce the generation of waste – about the repair culture and the possibilities of extending the life of products. Kristiina Kerge, project manager and Tatjana Lavrova, Russian language communications manager
14.10-15.10 Transformation of Tallinn’s waste stations into circular economy centers. Rein Kalle, manager of the Tallinn Waste Center
The collection and delivery of biodegradable waste is mandatory in Tallinn from June 1, 2023. Lennard Grant, administrative manager of the Tallinn Waste Center. Distribution of bio-waste collection containers.
Compost soil – garden spoils back into the soil! Production and use of high-quality compost produced from Tallinn garden waste in the home garden. Sofia Pereskoka, environmental specialist at the Tallinn Waste Center. Tallinn Waste Center.
15.10-15.30 Composting for small gardeners. Different techniques and possibilities for composting in food production.
Teele Sikka, OÜ NutriLoop project manager. Innovative measures and different composting methods: bokashi, Johnson-Su; vermicompost; drum and aun are different materials for composting.
15.30-16.20 Circular design as a solution. Reet Aus PhD, Sustainable Design and Materials Laboratory of the Estonian Academy of Arts
DiMa Senior Researcher. The impact of the textile industry on the environment and how to reduce it through circular design. Problems arising from the functioning of the textile and fashion industry throughout the life cycle. Production and post-consumer waste.
16.20-17.00 Documentary film “Paradise will arrive tomorrow”. Anna Hints, director and food rescuer.
OÜ Stellar Film. Introduction and presentation of the documentary film. The world is suffering from a flood of garbage. In order to save the environment and the future of their children, young mothers have decided to get food for their families from shopping center bins. About dumpster diving.
17.00-17.10 Summary of the theme day by the moderator Juhan Hindov, Head of Public Relations of Tallinna Jäätmekeskus
11.00 – 16.00 Introductions, information
Presentation and sale of the book: “Ellen, Eik and the mystery of the plastic bag”. Container samples. OÜ Eesti Pakendirkuls
Tallinna Jäätmekeskus distributes 80 l and 140 l bio-waste containers on site for free!
Introduction and information on site. The possibility of concluding contracts. Tallinn Waste Center
Exemplary materials on recycling electronics and light bulbs.
Exemplary composting tools. OÜ NutriLoop
Familiarity with circular products. Designer Reet Aus.
11.00 – 16.00 Activities, educational games, educational films, quizzes, drawing.
VIDEOS: Educational videos about sorting and debunking related myths.
GAME: playful sorting of clean packages into categories; puzzles related to the topic, prizes. TV
VIDEO: The journey of waste paper. Estonian Association of Circular Economy Enterprises (ERMEL)
GAME: An educational sorting game for children. OÜ Eesti Pakendirkuls
Drawing, quiz, prizes for kids! Eesti Pandipakend OÜ
VIDEO: Sorted collection and reuse (in Estonian, Russian and with subtitles).
GAME: Sorting biodegradable waste. Tallinn Waste Center
GAMES: Concept cards – dividing raw materials into sources of carbon and nitrogen. Picture game: Who lives in a compost bin. OÜ NutriLoop
The event is supported by the Estonian Circular Economy Association (ERMEL).
The theme day is part of the special program of the European Green Capital in Tallinn Botanic Gardens.
More information:
phone: 53264570
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